Ships And Maritime Landscapes (ISBSA13 proceedings) Published


The Organizing Committee of ISBSA13 together with the Steering Committee is very pleased to announce the publication of :



This volume gathers 88 contributions related to the theme ‘Ships and Maritime Landscapes’ of the Thirteenth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA 13) held in Amsterdam on the 7th to 12th October 2012.

(Click to access the table of content)

The articles include both papers and poster presentations by experts in the field of nautical archaeology, history of ships and shipbuilding, and naval architecture. The contributions deal not only with the theme of maritime landscapes but also with a variety of ship related subjects, like regional watercraft, construction and typology, material applications and design, out fitting, reconstruction and current research.

Please note that all the authors will receive a free copy of the proceedings.


For more purchase, a Special Offer will run until the 30th of September (please consult the following link: Special Offer Barkhuis Editions)


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ISBSA13; we will contact you about
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